

— As quoted from the great robot, Alpha; circa 1994 OG Power Rangers.

And thaaaat is what I’ve been feeling recently for a number of reasons :V. Along with the familiar questions: “What day is it?” and “How are we already in the middle of August?!”

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Nicole Angeles
(new) normalcies

OH. MY. It has been QUITE A TIME.

Never in my blog has it occurred that the amount of change since my last post would be SO. MUCH. I figured since I have a bit more time on my hands, I should probably write about some updates. Might. As. Well. (riiiiiieeeght??)

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Nicole Angeles
F and C Doubletime

As the great Michael G. Scott once said: “Cri-Man-Squa, F and C Double Time.”

Meaning, “Crisis management squad, front and center, twice as fast as you normally would,” meaning meaning that this is the speed at which I should be cranking out these blogs. (Am I riiiieeght??)

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Nicole Angeles